Monday, August 12, 2019

Girl Power


As a woman, I demand power and the right to speak to what is my heart's content.

I demand the right to wear the clothes I want to wear, whenever and wherever I want

It should not be given, because we are already entitled to have that rights.

It is society that does not allow us to be respected from the clothes we decided to wear.

We are the one who gets judged whenever there's a rape victim. How could that be possible?

How can a 3 year old child provoke lust? How can a skirt provoke lust?

We, girls, don't provoke the rapist. They provoke themselves and unleash the demons in them, because in what kind of clothes we choose to wear, the rapist still chooses to be a rapist.

We, girls, don't dress to impress and drew attention. We dress accordingly to our likings and that should be none of your business.

You couldn't keep your hands to yourself, then we get to be blamed, when a random stranger touch my private parts in a bus.

I understand being called silly names in gradeschool is for teasing. But being called "sexy"while walking down the street isn't a compliment at all. For the record, I'm wearing a pants and a shirt, covering my sexual areas, that all of you say, provokes them.

I couldn't even walk at night feeling safe in my own neighborhood.

This is not right. We, women, are deprived to what is rightfully ours, our rights!

We have power. We have voices. We have feelings.

Always remember. Be you. Do you. For you.

Picture from Pinterest

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Let's get Fit!

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Summer is fast approaching and we need to get our summer bods to be ready. Who doesn't want a fit but healthy body? It doesn't have to be hard.

Here are some links to my favorite fitness blogs that actually help me a lot in my journey to getting fit not just for the summer but as a lifestyle.

1. Nerd Fitness
This blog has taught me a lot, it may sound scary but getting fit is a little harder than I thought, but this blog helps me a lot to cope with the changes I'm about to make.

 To visit the site, click Here. 

2. Powercakes
Powercakes is the best blog for us women who struggles to put a change in our lives. Kasey (Arena) Brown, the creator of Powercakes has inspired lots of people in all ages. Her blogs are all about raising awareness about being fit and healthy.

To visit the site, click Here.

3.  Fit Bottomed Girls
Fit Bottomed Girls is committed to make your fitness journey, fun and enjoyable. They let us feel that being healthy doesn't to be hard and boring. 

To visit the site, click Here. 

How to start being genuinely happy?

Image result for happiness

When you heard the word "HAPPINESS" what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Is it some kind of tangible material?

Is it expensive?

Is it edible?

What is it?

Happiness is the state of being contented to what you are now and being thankful about it. It is when you didn't have the most luxurious things in the World, but still you are grateful for the things that you already have. Happiness is not a thing. Happiness doesn't come with a price tag, it is priceless.

We always relay our happiness with things, money and other people, when in fact, happiness is right inside us.

The only one who can make you happy is yourself. Not anyone, not a new dress nor a new car.

Happiness is within YOU.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Dear Girls,

Have you ever wondered, what is beyond there? Have you been thinking, exploring and go to an adventure? Are you scared to leave you comfort zone? The main question is "WHY?" Why are you afraid? Is something bothering you? Are scared that you might regret the things that you have done?

Girl, let me tell you something! You won't accomplish anything if you are afraid. Leaving your comfort zone, isn't leaving at all. You can always bring comfort with you, the fact that you are happy with what you are doing, what could be more comfortable with that? Don't be scared to try new thing, you may probably, enjoy it.

See things in a different perspective. Don't let your fear rule your life. There are more scary things in the World. You can't escape them, but you can face and fight them.

Spread your wings, ladies!

The Girl who took the Risk

Related image

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Girl Who Blooms Like A Flower

She flew but immediately fall. She had no wings but she believed she can fly.

She's untouchable. She is preserved.

She's silent, but everybody could hear her.

She's sweet and dangerous at the same time.

She have little, but gives plenty.

She's innocent and pure.

She's not perfect.

She's happy.

She's full of love and joy.

She seems fragile but she's not weak.

She likes the breeze of summer afternoon.

She's like a rain.

She's cold and independent.

She's stepped on but still blooms like a flower.

8 Glasses a Day

Did you know?

Did you know that water is the most effective way to lose weight? It also helps us to keep our skin nourished so it wont dry. Keeping a human body hydrated is such a crucial task for everybody.
Water helps us to stay active and fresh on a hot day. It also makes our skin clear and youthful.

Benefits of water

1. It relieves fatigue

Since our brain is mostly water, keeping it hydrated and more water intake can help us to concentrate and focus. It increases energy for our body.

2. Promote weight loss

As I've said before, it is the most effective way to lose weight. It enhances our metabolism and water has zero calorie. It also helps us to lessen our food intake by filling up our stomach prior to each meal.

3. Plushes out toxins

Since, water has no chemicals, it helps us to plush out unwanted toxins inside our body.

4. Natural Headache remedy

Headaches, migraines and back pains are usually caused by dehydration and through more water intake it can be prevented.

These are just few of the benefits that water can give us. Drink more water!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


A lot of stories are created in the summer. Stories that are worth sharing for. Stories that are always cherished and remembered. Who doesn't love summer? I don't think no one can ever hate this time of the year. It is where we flaunt our body shamelessly. It is where we reunite with a friend. Everything happens on summer.

Rays of sun, warm wind, salty toes, and a deep blue sea is the perfect description for a summer. A time of the where people get tanned.

Each year, each summer there is always a story to remember.

Girl Power

GIRL POWER! As a woman, I demand power and the right to speak to what is my heart's content. I demand the right to wear the clo...